This checklist will not make your written content completely accessible. Full accessibility requires training and a nuanced approach. This checklist is a collection of legal requirements and best practices to help people with limited accessibility training make written content more accessible.
If you're creating web content using templates and modules within Hannon Hill Cascade Server (supported by IT Services), then accessibility standards are already optimized. Do not override or add new styles, text sizing, colors, or other formatting!
Headings [H1, H2, H3....] are used to label the content. Do not skip headings when cascading downward. H2 should always be nested under H1, H3 should always be nested under H2, etc. It is okay to skip headings upward, however, meaning you shouldn’t skip from H2 to H4, but you can skip from H4 to H2. Think of headings as the content outline.
Content is presented in a meaningful sequence with descriptive headings.
Every page starts with an H1 heading.
Headings are descriptive and concise.
Headings are not inside an image. They must be in text form.
Never more than 6 levels of headings are used, ideally less. H7, H8, and H9 should not be used.
Correct styles are used. All non-heading text should be formatted as paragraph text, list, etc.
Tabs and spaces are not used in sequence to manipulate formatting.
Simple sans serif fonts are used.
No alternative characters from external websites are used to make written content appear in different weights, styles, or fonts.
Text is resizable to at least 200% while adapting to the screen or window width. Users should not have to scroll horizontally to read content.
Drop caps are not used. They separate the letter from the rest of the word for screen readers.
ALL CAPS are not used for any writing unless necessary, as in the case of an acronym. All-caps writing spells out every letter on screen readers.
Bold and italics are used minimally.
Text is left-justified (not centered) for text in paragraphs if writing in a left-to-right (LTR) language, such as English. If writing in a right-to-left (RTL) language, such as Arabic, text should be right-justified. Centered titles and headings are okay.
Color of content is not solely relied on for meaning. For example, a list of color-coded events will need additional text labels to be interpreted by a screen reader.
Plain, concise, informative, and standard language for readability and comprehension is used, avoiding too many abbreviations or jargon. Hemingway Editor is a good tool for readability.
All links have a descriptive name indicating where they will take the user. “Learn More” and “Click Here” are not descriptive.
Links are simple and do not spell out the entire URL unless it is very short. Even then, a descriptive link text is often better.
Links do not open in a new window unless specifically stated so in the link text.
Links are not broken.
Links to files or downloads are labeled as such.
Links to pages that require a login are labeled as such.
Information is provided in the link text about where the link leads. For example, if you’re linking to a PDF document, say so directly in the link text.
If the text is going to be printed, the link includes descriptive text followed by the link URL in parentheses.
Multiple links with identical URLs have the same text.
Multiple links with different URLs have unique text.
Text is not underlined unless it's an active hyperlink. Links should almost always be underlined.